Virtual HR department
Empowering HR professionals, the deployment of Pulse Workforce makes everyone’s jobs easier, including all roles associated with human resources management. Acting like a virtual HR department, Pulse Workforce streamlines and automates the repetitive, time-consuming, day-to-day interchanges between employees, supervisors and managers, and administrative personnel. With the fully integrated Pulse mining management system, the availability of suitable human resources is accessible to planners for allocation in operational jobs and projects, for example. Integration with specialist time-keeping systems or Pulse Presence (attendance management system) can inform payroll and AP calculations for employees and contractors. Real-time incident handling, inbuilt rostering, powerful reporting, and analytics dashboards provide state-of-the-art personnel management for mining, quarrying, and related industries.
HR management
You can focus on recruiting the right candidates with Pulse Workforce managing your master personnel records. If you’re using a specific talent management system for recruiting and onboarding, it can be integrated. Store master employee details, job titles, and salary packaging information. Developed specifically for mining, rosters can be annualized, actual, averaged, or five-panel. There are full timesheet functionalities and complex capabilities for awards, bonuses, and other considerations. Human resources can be managed across multiple organizations, countries, states, sites, or departments with full segregation of duties and document archiving. The records for employees and subcontractors with Pulse are fundamental for sharing related information throughout the system, such as in planning for production and maintenance, and allow employees to get self-service for their information and requests via the Pulse HR Kiosk.
Payroll management within Pulse is a functional and easy-to-use solution that’s built to manage all aspects of payroll processing, calculations, and personnel administration in all currencies, taxation requirements, and regulatory environments. You’ll have extensive rostering and award configuration capabilities with comprehensive position management features. There are several options for pay cycles and time card data capture including Pulse Presence with AI-based attendance management system integration. Training systems and skills utilization are automatically updated. Manage payroll at a single site or across multiple sites, with full payroll history reporting and self-service for employees via the Pulse desktop kiosk or mobile app.
Health and safety
Manage critical activities and occurrences anywhere with Pulse having extensive capabilities to provide necessary information in real-time. Configurable to organizational requirements, people will save time and avoid omissions with automatic incident/hazard approval workflows. There is an interactive dashboard for ad hoc reporting, and also the Pulse app for reporting incidents and hazards on the spot complete with talk-to-text notes and images. Easily identify, record, and track site accidents, incidents, and hazards for prevention and assurance of compliance with awards and legislation.
Skills and training
It’s easy to align the training and development of your workforce with the strategic vision for your organization, with Pulse Workforce and its broad set of extensive capabilities. Track employee skills and training across departments, single sites, or numerous sites. Attain a projection of retraining requirements at any time, and access the maintenance cost and history records for courses attended by employees.
Mobile interactivity
Included in every Pulse system with Pulse Workforce is the ability for all employees to access the Pulse HR Kiosk on their mobile devices, from wherever they are, with the assurance of 2FA security. They will easily use the Pulse HR Kiosk app to update their details, check leave entitlements, apply for leave with any attached documentation, and download pay slips without causing menial work for the HR department. Likewise, managers and supervisors can approve (or reject, with comments) leave requests on mobile, and any approval hierarchy is automated. Expense claims can be submitted on mobile as soon as they occur, with images of receipts, and these claims can be approved or rejected by supervisors on their desktops or cellphones before flowing through to AP.
Workforce reporting
The Pulse system comes loaded with every style of report ever needed by companies over many years of mining coal, gold, copper, nickel, iron ore, and other resources. Even so, there are many different styles of workforce reporting. If Pulse Workforce doesn’t offer your required format already, Pulse will build it into the system during your implementation. This is how the Pulse system continually improves and expands its capabilities for all users, by Pulse responding directly to real-world mining needs as they arise. You can also write your own reports, and customize existing reports by filtering to review, analyze, and account for every aspect of human resources management in summary or detail. And that’s just the traditional way of doing things when Pulse Analytics is included for extra power and immediacy in production-related reporting. Within a fully integrated mining management system, Pulse Workforce can blend ERP data with other data to report on a range of other metrics.
Workforce analytics
With Pulse-enhanced Microsoft PowerBI to present Pulse-integrated data, Pulse Analytics is even faster and easier to use. Pulse Workforce comes with prebuilt dashboards configured during implementation, and the Pulse Analytics Data Warehouse allows users to build their own BI dashboards from visual data stacks with logical assistance from Pulse Analytics rules. Selected visualizations can be displayed on large screens in common areas to improve safety performance between teams, such as MTC/LTI-free days and other statistics. Supervisors and managers instantly spot trends and anomalies for rapid troubleshooting and quicker wins from human resources, health and safety, and skills and training data. Easily determine root causes and more by drilling down from visualizations into transactional details. Users can save and share favorite reports and set reports to email automatically (eg: for meetings). Site managers may have access to their dashboards, while country managers see their sites and global sees all sites.
Integrated budgeting
The Pulse system comes with Pulse Budgeting for fully integrated budgeting and forecasting using the latest actuals from the system. For Pulse ERP users, this means being able to delegate financial budgeting to the right people in different departments for drafting, review, and approval before going live and rolling into master budgets. When Pulse Workforce is used, managers can draw on the latest actuals from payroll, etc, to inform budgeting, forecasting, and what-if analysis. Microsoft Excel is accessible within the Pulse system as the favorite tool for working with numbers. Draft budgets can be saved and shared, and go live when ready. Auto-calculations from planned and captured metrics provide the predictive intelligence to forecast outputs and values based on logical assumptions. Mining is a dynamic environment and managers love being able to forecast and re-forecast results whenever conditions change, in almost no time.
Integrated planning
With Pulse Workforce, managers can plan operational resources for production and maintenance activities down to inter/intra-shift levels using fully integrated Pulse Planning. Authorized users can work on unlimited plans, push final plans into the live system, and manifest jobs for people or teams to receive on mobile devices with all associated checklists and references. They can plan routine work and special projects as near or far into the future as they can imagine. With visualized Gantt-style drag-and-drop functionality, they’ll view plans at a high level with easy-to-read indicators and click to expand or edit details. The system works for them with native logic to help manage the availability of human resources, skills, equipment, etc. They’ll see under/over-allocations, or where additional resources may be needed to achieve targets within the timeframe. Using the Pulse ERP system allows predictive intelligence and neural networking between related departments, as managed by Pulse Maintenance, Workforce, Supply, and Financials. Using other systems is possible with Pulse devising 2-way dataflows between systems.
Integrated projects
When the organization uses Pulse Workforce within Pulse ERP, managers in operational areas can easily plan, budget, execute, and review any number of projects with fully integrated Pulse Projects. Throughout various stages such as decommissioning, remediation, exploration, planning, design, construction, commissioning, rolling operations, expansion, extension, divestment, restructuring, refit, and acquisitions, the works to be done by people and assets can be managed and tracked inside the Pulse system under project cost centers. Between Pulse Planning, Pulse Projects, and Pulse Budgeting, with full system integration, the entire spectrum of operational resource planning and project management is taken care of more efficiently. Pulse Financials is configurable for project-based financial management and accounting.
Digital checklists
Pulse Digital Checklists end paperwork, eliminate error-prone data entry, liberate staff from filing/scanning, guard against non-compliance, protect from liability, ensure work is done properly, and satisfy evidentiary needs for safety, responsibility, quality, etc. Easily create your own forms, checklists – it’s like building your own mini-apps, fully integrated within your Pulse system! To get started quickly, Pulse can convert your existing paperwork into Digital Checklists in bulk during implementation, and then train your people to easily make their own. Forms are smart so that a certain answer will trigger sub-questions to answer or actions to perform. Map to capture answers and inputs where needed inside the system. Stored entries are securely time-stamped and user-identified to meet and exceed any future auditing or forensic requirements. Use digital checklists for informal training, WHS inspections, safety procedures, corrective and preventative actions, and more!
Situational awareness
Pulse Workforce gives you instant situational awareness, as specific to your role, just by landing on your Pulse Workforce system homepage at login or return. Managers and supervisors can get more done on the fly, with Pulse Mobility actively enabling them to review, approve/reject, and comment on all kinds of requests from any location or timezone. Workers can receive their jobs on mobile devices and complete tasks compliantly without asking questions or touching paperwork. Access the system or Pulse Analytics securely from any browser and make fully informed decisions in critical situations without delay. Mining operations are typically non-stop and your Pulse system has got your back 24/7 with active task management and the latest information.
Workflow automation
One of the many great features of the Pulse system is the automation of workflows throughout the system. Predictive intelligence and logical assumptions make people’s jobs easier in every department – while helping to eliminate human errors and ensuring compliance with procedures and standards. The organization has no need for special workflow management software with Pulse. Pulse experts work with you to configure your preferred workflows during implementation. You’ll make your own changes easily from there. With advances in AI and machine learning incorporated into Pulse system development for the future, the organizations using Pulse are positioned to take advantage of all the promises to be fulfilled by the IoT and Industry 4.0.
Full integration
While some of the world’s largest mining organizations use Pulse Production at sites as their mine production recording and reporting system, the benefits of a fully integrated system make the deployment of Pulse Workforce within the complete Pulse ERP most compelling. Tight integration between Pulse Production, Pulse Maintenance, and Pulse Workforce, for example, allows managers in production and maintenance areas to plan work by allocating suitable human resources that are available. The approval of a leave application for a worker, or a rostered new hire, is taken into account by the system in the availability of labor for planning. Freshly captured data is shared instantly across the system, updating management information in real-time.
The larger the mining site, the more challenging to know who is on-site and why 24/7. Pulse Presence is the AI-based facial recognition attendance management system developed specifically for mining – accurate even with sunglasses or PPE. Devices on floor stands or external mounts are at entry and exit points. Employees and contractors are instantly recognized. Time-stamped attendance can inform payroll or AP via export or system integration. First-time visitors register within seconds and collect sticker passes before entry. People watching reception can get alerts when visitors are waiting or on their way; overstayers are alerted. Ask different questions or give different messages to different types of attendees. Monitor and manage all site attendance on real-time dashboards with filtered reporting and secure, forensic-standard evidence.
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The ultimate ERP system for mining
The ultimate ERP system for mining