Get it right with CoalMan
Ensure that the right mix of materials is transported from the right stockpiles, on the right transport, at the right time, for the right vessels arriving in port, with Pulse Mining’s CoalMan.
Centennial Coal have recently purchased Pulse Mining’s specialised coal-focused marketing and logistics solution ‘CoalMan’ (Coaling Operations And Logistics MANagement system) to assist them to optimise and embed their overarching business objectives and performance management strategies.
Designed to track coal from mine to customer, CoalMan is an all-inclusive coal management system designed to suit all coal mining methods. It helps miners meet complex contract quality requirements, through harmonising logistical business processes to enable faster, better decision making.
When combined with Pulse Mining’s Operations module, CoalMan offers miners complete visibility and management of coal production, stockpiles, logistics and marketing from pit to port, to customer.
CoalMan itself consists of four sub-modules, Blending Schedules & Logistics, Customers & Contracts, Invoicing & Receipting, and Sales & Forecasts, which together provide a fully integrated solution enabling miners to access real-time, accurate information when and where needed from within one system.
Whilst one or two competitors in this space may offer solutions which are effective in terms of blending and logistics, it is the unrivalled strength and versatility of the commercial aspects (Customers & Contracts, Invoicing & Receipting, and Sales & Forecasts sub-modules) of Pulse Mining’s CoalMan product which really make it a worthwhile investment for savvy coal miners.
Companies such as Centennial Coal have centred their rationale for implementing the CoalMan solution around building better financial returns in a lower risk environment through enabling increased visibility of the entire product supply and commercial pipeline, which in turn can give greater control of critical processes affecting (in some cases) millions of dollars’ worth of transactions.
Download the CoalMan brochure.