2016 Company Review
2016 has been a year of consolidation, renewal and growth for Pulse Mining Systems.
Twentieth-century French philosopher, Henri Bergson said that, “to exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly”, this is as true for companies as it is for individuals.
For Pulse Mining Systems, 2016 has been a year of considerable change, consolidation, renewal and growth. In a year of shifting fortunes within the resources sector we have successfully leveraged this period of transition and worked hard to position the company as a lean and agile business proven to be ready and able to thrive in a volatile market.
Underpinning the changes has been a restructuring of our leadership, with a return to the business owners/shareholders driving, working hands-on in, and directly managing the business. This is good news for our clients as it means that Pulse Mining Systems is one of the few software development houses providing a full-coverage ERP solution that end-users can have direct input to in terms of enhancements and new features (you can’t just ring Satya Nadella and suggest a nice-to-have feature for MS Dynamics 365, but you can ring Ash, Bob, James or Lukas!)
Amidst the turmoil in the sector over the past 12 months, there have inevitably been fluctuations within our talent pool, with several well-regarded members of our team moving on to new career challenges. Pulse Mining has taken the opportunity this presented to revitalise and rationalise our management, development and support teams whilst also enabling us to recruit some amazing new talent into the growth areas of the business, particularly our analytics team. An additional benefit of the new leaner, meaner, agile Pulse, has been the cross-skilling of our extraordinary core ERP team, with most of the team now expert across several module areas.
The success of our strategies to revitalise and grow the company has been evidenced in many ways during the year, not the least of which being that the company remains financially very healthy and profitable.
External recognition of our efforts has been abundant in 2016, with nominations for several business awards (finalist NSW Mining Industry & Suppliers Awards, finalist Australian Mining Prospect Awards, and finalist Hunter Business Awards), recognition as being one of the top 25 Business Intelligence providers in the Asia Pacific region, and with major technology and mining magazines and websites (Cisco, Technology Decisions, Birst, Tableau, Mining Global and Australian Mining Review) all featuring Pulse Mining.
Perhaps more importantly, Pulse Mining has been recognized for our industry expertise and experience by our peers in the METS (Mining Equipment, Technology and Services) sector through invitations to participate in ‘Co-Labs’ and webinars hosted by Austmine.
Throughout 2016 Pulse Mining has remained focused on delivering solution enhancements through continued investment in research and development. This year has seen the launch of CoalMan, the Tactical Mine Management Analytics product suite and our SDLC framework, enabled by a clearer understanding and articulation of our core development strategies, for instance in terms of our approach to leveraging IoT (Internet of Things) and big data.
Over the last 12 months we have welcomed several new clients such as Taurus’ Foxleigh mine, and partnered with several channel and technology partners including ContinuousExcellence, GMOS, Verde, Intel, Tableau and Birst to give us a truly global reach underpinned by the very best technology.
Over a period of 30 years of close collaboration with our clients, Pulse Mining has developed and nurtured a complete ecosystem comprising the expertise, experience and software solutions to help effectively manage mine sites and resources. In 2016 we have matured, consolidated, renewed and grown the company into a leaner, more agile and responsive software development house focused on creating and providing smart data solutions to enable the mining industry to sharpen their focus on productivity, sustainable cost management and enhanced shareholder value.
We are The Pulse of Mining.